The ChiliView Series - Canyonlands NP - Needles District, Monticello (U64/U43) v2.0
YourDonation@Work: Dedicated to Daniel, Peter and Ahmad. Thanks!
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This scenery covers the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park. The colorful layers of sand- and limestone that you can see today built over hundreds of millions years by advancing and retreating oceans as well as rivers that deposited huge amounts of sediment. About 15 million years ago these layers began to rise due to a colliding movement of plates in the earth's crust, forming what is today called the Colorado Plateau. As the land rose higher, erosion accelerated, resulting in countless canyons, mesas and buttes. The uplifting land caused the rivers to carve in even faster, resulting in the deep canyons of the Colorado and Green Rivers. The needles and fins in the Needles District have yet another story: First uplifts and later slides created a system of perpendicular cracks. Then he resulting crosshatched pattern of "joints" widened by erosion until only thin fins and needles of rock remained. To explore the scenery depart from Monticello (U64, in FSX: U43) and head north. This is a remake of an earlier release with better and newer imagery.
Notice: The airport in Monticello changed from U43 to U64. Joop modelled the new airport and closed the old one. If you land at U43 you'll see what can happen if you land at a closed airport :)
It covers a total of 3625 sq km.
For FSX and Prepar3D.
The resolution of 1 m/pix brings you razor-sharp images even near the ground.
Best enjoyed in low and slow operations!
Also contains a 10 m high resolution elevation mesh.
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