The ChiliView Series - Bryce Canyon National Park (KBCE) v2.0

YourDonation@Work: Dedicated to Ben, Gary and Carlos. Thanks!
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Despite its name, Bryce Canyon is not actually a canyon that was formed by a river, but rather a giant natural cliff shaped thru erosion by wind, water, and ice. Bryce is distinctive due to its geological formations, delicate and colorful pinnacles called hoodoos that are up to 200ft high. The bizzarre forms and red, orange and white colors of the rocks provide spectacular views. Unfortunately the hoodoos are too small for the elevation mesh in flight simulator. But you can enjoy the colors and shape of the cliffs. The cliffs in main region of the park, just south of the airport are partly covered by snow. But on the southern and western part of the plateau you can enjoy them free of snow. Bryce Canyon is named after the Mormon pioneer Ebenezer Bryce who settled in this area in the 1850s. It was designated as a national park in 1928. Bryce Canyon Airport (KBCE) just handles small aircraft on a daily basis. But is was actually built to handle larger aircraft in case of emergency. And so on Oct.6th 2000 an American Airlines MD-82 from Denver to Los Angeles made a successful emergency landing after reporting smoke in the cockpit and a loss of cabin pressure. This is a remake of an earlier release with better and newer imagery.
It covers a total of 3625 sq km.
For FSX and Prepar3D.
The resolution of 1 m/pix brings you razor-sharp images even near the ground.
Best enjoyed in low and slow operations!
Also contains a 10 m high resolution elevation mesh.
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